kid wearing graduation toga


Why Should You Let your Child Play?

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” – George Bernard Shaw As parents, it probably makes you smile to see the wide grins on your little ones’ faces when they play. It might amuse you to hear about some of their more outrageous ideas as they try … Continue reading

Posted in School

How to Cultivate a Love for Learning in Your Children

As babies, your children are inherently curious about everything that goes on around them. However, they lose this natural passion for exploration somewhere along the way. In time, they may grow to dislike—or even dread—learning new things. The good news is, you can instill the love for learning in your children even at a young … Continue reading

The Benefits of Montessori-Based Learning for Your Little Ones

“Children are not things to be molded, but are people to be unfolded.” – Jess Lair You all know how your little ones can be. Creative. Naturally eager for knowledge. Kids learn holistically—from one experience to another, they form a connection between everything they learn, and this type of early education builds the context for … Continue reading